Tuesday, 14 February 2017

10th February 2017

Another week with no Moon.
Had to be quick to take this photo in a brief break in the clouds.
Too much moonshine to see any detail.
Still a good atmospheric photo.

Friday 10th February 2017, 23:00.

Windy - fast moving clouds.

Approx. 220 degrees SW compass point.

Full moon phase. Distance 234,494 miles.

Saturday, 4 February 2017

4th February 2017

Another long time with no visible Moon.
Too much cloud and rain.

Saturday 4th February 2017, 20:00.

4 degrees Centigrade, Pressure 998mb, Humidity 83% (approx.), clear but watery sky.

230 degrees SSW compass point.

First quarter phase. Distance 229,833 miles.

Both photos show the precipitation pollution!